
Dry desulphurization, denitrification and dust removal integrated equipment

Adopting modular and intelligent design, it completes the specialized construction of ceramic fiber integrated equipment and the numerical control of big data intelligent interactive control system, and integrates the synergistic treatment of multiple pollutants, such as desulfurization, denitrification, chlorine, fluorine, alkali metal, dioxin, and dust removal, into one.

Application process


通榆县| 新蔡县| 离岛区| 丰城市| 郧西县| 军事| 南川市| 嘉峪关市| 巫山县| 鹤峰县| 闽侯县| 江油市| 鄂伦春自治旗| 句容市| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 惠水县| 天气| 石狮市| 洪江市| 沂水县| 西平县| 吉首市| 中江县| 汕尾市| 隆子县| 永安市| 三门峡市| 千阳县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 石景山区| 从化市| 北安市| 中阳县| 凌云县| 江津市| 云安县| 浦江县| 三台县| 利辛县| 石狮市| 东平县|